Vairavel).Pages 281-291 A Tree-Shaped Wearable Conductive Fabric Patch Antenna for ISM Band Applications (T. Selvendran).Pages 273-279 Compact Planar Monopole UWB MIMO Antenna for Diversity Applications (S. Gomathy).Pages 261-272 Building a Kernel Image of RTEMS on Host Operating System (A. Nanthini).Pages 253-260 Quick Search Optimization Algorithm-Based Implementation of Virtual Power Plant for Distribution Network (K. Amarnath).Pages 243-251 An Experimental Study and Analysis of Impact on Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks (V. Antonidoss).Pages 233-242 Hybrid Approach Using Machine Learning Techniques in Credit Card Fraud Detection (S. Manikandababu).Pages 223-232 DeepPhish: Automated Phishing Detection Using Recurrent Neural Network (M. Manikandababu).Pages 209-221 Miniaturized and Highly Randomized True Random Bit Generator (N. Vairavel).Pages 189-207 Design and Analysis of Approximate Multiplier for Image Processing Application (S. Jemi Florinabel).Pages 175-187 Understanding Textile Antenna by Reviewing and Simulating It for High Data Rates Applications ( Asit Kittur, G. Padmapriya).Pages 155-174 Recovery of Lost Information from Unclear Images Using MRF-Based Inpainting (Rebecca Fernando. Veena).Pages 135-154 Investigations on Pipeline Optimized Adaptive Fir Filter Architecture for Audio De-noising (R. Venkatakrishnan, Pranav Moorthy, Ravi Pratyusha, Ritika, K. Sasikala).Pages 119-134 Transformer Oil Health Monitoring Techniques-An Overview (R. Kesavaraja).Pages 103-117 Reconfigurable Antenna Using RF MEMS Switches Issues and Challenges: A Survey (Mallikharjuna Rao Sathuluri, G. Sravani).Pages 95-101 Secure Ciphertext Policy Using Blowfish Hybridized Weighted Attribute-Based Encryption (S. Vishnu Priya, Hiran Kumar Singh).Pages 85-94 Performance Investigation of Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Ingress Network Based on GPON with Optisystem (T. Satya Prasad).Pages 71-83 Mitigation of ARP Cache Poisoning in Software-Defined Networks (A. Vimal).Pages 61-69 A Three-Pronged Approach to Mitigate Web Attacks (Ganga Rama Koteswara Rao, R. Mahalakshmi).Pages 51-60 Performance Comparison of Various Machine Learning Algorithms for Ultrasonic Fetal Image Classification Problem (N. Gururajan).Pages 39-49 Analysis of Brushless DC Motor Using Deep Neural Network and BAT Algorithm (K. Kasiselvanathan).Pages 29-38 An Effective Network Connectivity Model for Dynamic Channel Allocation in Wireless Communication (S. Nithyanandan).Pages 15-27 Implementation of Adaptive Huffman Codes for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems (S. Shiyamala).Pages 1-13 Improving Energy Efficiency in Cooperative MIMO with HARQ-CC Mechanism (P.

Pages i-xvi AMI and Its Wireless Communication Security Aspects with QOS: A Review (Priyanka D.